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The role of the tutorials is to provide a platform for a more intensive scientific exchange amongst researchers interested in a particular topic and as a meeting point for the community. Tutorials complement the depth-oriented technical sessions by providing participants with broad overviews of emerging fields. A tutorial can be scheduled for 1.5 or 3 hours.


Ethics in Applied Information Security Research


Edgar Weippl
University of Vienna, SBA Research
Brief Bio
After graduating with a Ph.D. from the Vienna University of Technology, Edgar Weippl worked in a re-search startup for two years. He then spent one year teaching as an assistant professor at Beloit College, WI. From 2002 to 2004, while with the software vendor ISIS Papyrus, he worked as a consultant in New York, Albany, U.S.A., and in Frankfurt, Germany. In 2004 he joined the Vienna University of Technology and founded the research center SBA Re-search together with A Min Tjoa and Markus Klemen.

Abstract: For several years we have been looking at how research ethics evolve in the relatively new field of applied information security research. Looking at borderline cases of past papers is relevant as these successful research papers will influence how young researchers conduct their research today. In this tutorial we discuss fundamental ethical principles and their role in older and newer research papers that have been published at top conferences.

Keywords: Ethics, Information Security

Aims and Learning Objectives: Participants will get an overview of the Menlo report. They will learn how to establish ethic case discussion.

Target Audience: Researchers in information security

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience: Familiarity with applied information security research

Detailed Outline:
- Overview of Menlo report
- How to establish ethic case discussions
- How to set up an IRB (internal review board)
- Examples of very successful research papers and the research ethics employed
- Evolution of research ethics in information security research


Ethics, Information Security

Aims and Learning Objectives

Participants will get an overview of the Menlo report.
They will learn how to establish ethic case discussion.

Target Audience

Researchers in information security

Prerequisite Knowledge of Audience

Familiarity with applied information security research

Detailed Outline

- Overview of Menlo report
- How to establish ethic case discussions
- How to set up an IRB (internal review board)
- Examples of very successful research papers and the research ethics employed
- Evolution of research ethics in information security research

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